Boys Run I toowú klatseen

Our Program

Our Program

“Because the setting was noncompetitive, boys were given permission to find new ways to lead.”

Boys Run Coach, Juneau

Boys Run I toowú klatseen is a ten week program, with lessons held twice per week after school. The place-based curriculum includes three parts: sense of self and knowing one’s worth; healthy communication and relationships; and positive decision making, teamwork, and community. Each lesson has a theme and incorporates Southeast Alaska traditional values.

This unique program integrates a Southeast Alaska Native cultural component. We foster an appreciation and understanding across cultures for all participants. We have drawn and continue to draw upon the wisdom of Native Elders and education experts to ensure a respectful and culturally inclusive curriculum. The program was co-created with regional cultural specialists: Chuck Miller, Sorrel Goodwin, Della Cheney, Heather Powell, Lance Twitchell, and Mary Folletti.

The Boys Run I toowú klatseen curriculum is based in part on the Southeast Traditional Tribal Values collection that was developed, adapted, and approved at the 2004 Elders Forum on Traditional Values.

Boys Run I toowú klatseen, as an after school program, supports the Alaska Department of Education’s goal to recognize the need for cultural standards and a heightened awareness of the needs of Native students. In line with the Alaska Standards for Culturally Responsive Schools, Boys Run I toowú klatseen is culturally responsive and incorporates local ways of knowing and teaching, uses the local environment and community resources to link to what we are teaching, and recognizes the full potential of every participant.



The program culminates in a celebratory 5k fun run, which teaches boys that when they set a goal and practice for it, they can achieve anything!

Kake, Alaska
Kake, Alaska
Kake, Alaska
Kake, Alaska
Sitka, Alaska
Sitka, Alaska
Sitka, Alaska
Sitka, Alaska
Juneau, Alaska
Juneau, Alaska
Sitka, Alaska
Sitka, Alaska
Kake, Alaska
Kake, Alaska
Sitka, Alaska
Sitka, Alaska
Kake, Alaska
Kake, Alaska